Empowering people with education and research. Transforming lives of students, researchers and knowledge seekers.


We strive to continuously empower the researcher’s community with innovative solutions that demonstrate how research is published, evaluated and communicated to the world.


We are attempting to provide a platform where researchers and students get engaged with leading scientists in reviewing and experiencing cutting-edge researches and innovations.


We keep ourselves up to date with the latest trends in education and research. We work to develop and promote widespread access to innovations in the field of Science, technology and Engineering.

Who We are

Aspire is a not-for-profit volunteer based organization who fosters a positive environment for researchers to share their innovative ideas for the growth of our nation in the field of Science, Information & Communication Technology. Aspire Research is the foundation of modern society and it exhibits gratitude to advances in science and technology that enable us to enjoy longer, healthier and more prosperous lives.

Aspire Research Foundation represents itself is an aspiration for education, research and learning.  Our team symbolizes a splendidly varied cluster of intellectuals, mentors and engaged volunteers who are set to mark a revolution through research in science (basic, medical), engineering and technology. The organization was established in 2015 to create knowledge through research projects, conferences, workshops and aligned events for engineers, scientists and research scholars. Aspire also puts endeavors towards publication of research articles in renowned journals to provide recognition to the research scholars in the world.

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Research Grant Programme

Aspire Research Foundation has initiated Research Grant Programme to fund the outstanding research ideas proposed by the researchers for societal welfare. The grant will be allocated to Master of Science students and doctorate fellows (Completed or thesis submitted in Science streams). ARF grants will be awarded to promising high-level research projects in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Medical science, Environmental Science and Physics carried out by researchers at the academic institutes collaborated with Aspire Research Foundation.

Research Grant Programme in Basic Sciences aims to:

  • Reinforce and promote scientific research in basic sciences in India;
  • Strengthen India’s endogenous capacity in science;
  • Build the units of scientific excellence for innovative scientists capable of addressing real-life problems facing their country.

ARF will invite applications from the passionate researchers for the academic year 2021-2022. The detailed information will be available from 1st July 2021 on our website.

Past Event


The First Series of ICDECT (International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology – ICDECT 2016) was held in Lavasa, Pune (Maharashtra), India during March 10-11, 2016. This conference was hosted by Aspire Research Foundation in collaboration with Springer Series.

The proceedings of the conference published in Springer series as mentioned below:

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Upcoming Conferences
